Theme description : Orange Black theme for Google chrome
Author : Xp3
Download link for chrome
Download link for chromium
Google Chrome blog with Chrome Themes, Chrome Plugins, Chrome News and More.Télécharger des themes pour Google chrome, des plugins Chrome et d'autres.
Google Chrome blog with Chrome Themes, Chrome Plugins, Chrome News and More.Télécharger des themes pour Google chrome, des plugins Chrome et d'autres.
Windows XP Users:
C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\
Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\[Version of chrome]\Themes\
Windows Vista Users:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\[Version of chrome]\Themes\
Make sure you create a backup of your original "default.dll"
file before overwriting it with the new one.
If you're having trouble finding the directory you can also right click on the shortcut to the program and choose properties then press the
"Open File Location" button.
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