Google Chrome blog with Chrome Themes, Chrome Plugins, Chrome News and More.Télécharger des themes pour Google chrome, des plugins Chrome et d'autres.

6 New Google Chrome Colours

| dimanche 28 septembre 2008

Download Aqua-Marine
Download Black
Download Dark Blue
Download Gold
Download Green
Download Paleblue-Lavender
Download Red

Thanks to James

How do I install my new theme?

To install these themes, download your desired theme then uncompressed it and copy the default.dll file(found in zip) and replace the once found in:

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application.2.149.27\Themes\

Windows Vista: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\\Themes\

Note: Don’t forget to make backup of default theme file before replacing with new one.

Project Red -theme Google chrome

Description : Project Red theme
Author :
Wayne D
Download :
[Open in new window]

Chrome themes windows media player

Description : Windows media palyer like themes for google Chrome

Download link [Open in new window]
Author: Ankur

Windows Live Chrome Black themes - Release 1.0


Download :Windows_Live_Chrome_by_Ru0.rar

Filename Windows_Live_Chrome_by_Ru0.rar
File Size 484.32 KB (495,939 Bytes)
Uploaded by Rusty100
Date Added Tuesday, September 09, 2008 12:22 PM

Simpson themes for google chrome


Author : BlaqReaper
Download :

Download Internet Explorer Google Chrome Theme



How to use this theme ?

Windows XP users :

Extract it to
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application.2.149.27\Themes\

Windows Vista users :

Extract it to

Google Chrome Black Theme by deviantarnab


Author : deviantarnab
Download-Link: Google_Chrome_Black_Theme_by_deviantarnab.rar

defWhite Google Chrome Theme by zonmarc

| samedi 27 septembre 2008

defWhite is just an exercise on the default theme, did some substitutions between the colors. Is my first theme, is simple and I think the default theme is better then mine, anyway... something different... not much
->Author : defWhite at DeviantArt
Download :

Carbon Fiber Theme for Google Chrome


Here is a new Theme that was requested. Its a Carbon Fiber (Black) theme. I hope you like it.


5 Themes for Google chrome by clarkd

Heres the new themes:
Black Textured

Blue Textured

Red Textured

LimeGreen Textured

Mint Textured

Download Chrome Safarish:
Download Red Textured Theme:
Download Mint Textured Theme:
Download Black Textured Theme:
Download Blue Textured Theme:
Download Green Textured Theme:

All Chocolate v1- Google chrome Theme


Download: All Chocolate v1

Google Chrome No Icons theme


Google Chrome Theme Name: No Icons
Theme home page:
Theme Author: M-WaR
Description: An interesting Google Chrome theme without the icons in the bar. Instead of icons there are 4letter-most buttons. Silver panel on gray or dark gray backgrounds depending on browsing mode.


OperaV1 theme for Google Chrome


Description: Google Chrome theme that is built to resemble the popular Opera browser. Main color is silver/metallic and the buttons are copies from firefox.


e-Zone Google Chrome Theme


Google Chrome Theme Name: e-Zone
Theme Author: blurkness

Description: Fine light colors theme with original orange buttons.


blurkDev Google Chrome theme


Google Chrome Theme Name: blurkDev

Theme home page:
Theme Author: Blurkness
Description: A mix of dark green colors theme made in the look and feel of deviantART website.

Another Mac-like theme for Google Chrome


Google Chrome Theme Name: blurkMac - V1.0
Theme home page:
Theme Author: Blurkness
Description: For the ones that appreciate a good and stylish design there’s a new and probably best variation so far on Mac’s themes. It is built in gray tones.


Download default.dll

Go Green Google Chrome theme


Google Chrome Theme Name: Go Green
Theme home page:
Theme Author: Chromable

Description: A mix of green colors in a truly “Green” environment. This is a theme for all of you who care about our planet. Go Green!
[this is the first theme from Chromable]


Download default.dll
Download XChrome Install

Download Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme


Download Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme

Theme file:
File size: 253 KB

Install Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme

  1. Download Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme first.
  2. Uncompressed the zip file to your local folder. Each zip file contains two files: the Google Chrome Theme file called "default.dll" and help document called "readme.htm"
  3. Close Google Chrome if you haved launched it.
  4. Replace your original default.dll(I suggest you make a backup of the original first). Here's the path where you need to replace the file:
    • In Vista: C:/Users/[your user name]/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/Application/[current version]/Themes/
    • In Windows XP: C:/Documents and Settings/User/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/Application[current version]/Themes/
  5. Restart your Google Chrome.

XDE - A KDE like theme for google chrome


A simple KDE like theme for Google Chrome

Safari-Like Theme for google chrome


A Google Chrome Beta skin in Safari colors

Author: eamon63

THEME: ChromeGeek


Theme google chrome ; ChromeGeek
Author : Wayne D

Click Here For ChromeGeek.exe (XChrome Installer)

You can now pick up the default.dll of this theme

Xchrome Theme Manager : installer et gérer des thèmes pour Google Chrome


Xchrome Theme Manager est un nouveau logiciel (en version bêta) qui permet d'installer et de gérer facilement des thèmes pour Google Chrome.

Caractéristiques :

- Automatise l'installation des thèmes Google Chrome

- Un seul logiciel pour télécharger et installer des thèmes Google Chrome

- Permet de modifier et de construire des thèmes pour Google Chrome

- Liste tous les thèmes installés avec prévisualisation du thème et renseignements sur l'auteur

- Theme Installer permet l'installation d'un thème en une seule étape

- Thème Maker : pour créer votre propre thème Google Chrome

XChrome BR5:


Dark Google Chrome Theme


Download Google Chrome Dark Theme

How to use this theme ?

Windows XP users :

Extract it to
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application.2.149.27\Themes\

Windows Vista users :

Extract it to