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Download Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme

| samedi 27 septembre 2008

Download Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme

Theme file:
File size: 253 KB

Install Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme

  1. Download Hot Pink Google Chrome Theme first.
  2. Uncompressed the zip file to your local folder. Each zip file contains two files: the Google Chrome Theme file called "default.dll" and help document called "readme.htm"
  3. Close Google Chrome if you haved launched it.
  4. Replace your original default.dll(I suggest you make a backup of the original first). Here's the path where you need to replace the file:
    • In Vista: C:/Users/[your user name]/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/Application/[current version]/Themes/
    • In Windows XP: C:/Documents and Settings/User/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/Application[current version]/Themes/
  5. Restart your Google Chrome.

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